30 Days of Yoga

If you read my post on resolutions, you know that practicing yoga regularly is on my list. I started doing yoga last Wednesday and I’m really surprised at how much I’m enjoying it.

Before the new year, I scoped out yoga videos on youtube so I can find someone I like. That is how I discovered Yoga With Adriene. Her videos are really great, not too easy nor challenging, and her quirky personality makes the videos really enjoyable and reminds you to relax and enjoy the moment.

Anyway, last week, I decided to quit being lazy and start the journey on tackling a resolution. I went to her youtube channel and discovered that she started a 30 Days of Yoga series, which is what I linked above. I was excited and disappointed that the month was already half way over. I didn’t want to wait until February to start yoga because I will be tackling Susan Salzberg’s 28 meditation challenge and I was afraid it be too much change to my routine. I don’t want to collapse half way through the month.

I spent the first few days doing some of her other videos and yesterday I started her 30 Days of Yoga. I am absolutely loving yoga right now. Before, I could hardly keep focus for more than 20 minutes of a yoga video. I was always focused on the wrong things. I wanted to speed through the difficult poses because my body would tremble, yet I wanted to also speed through the easy poses because they were boring.

I find that Adriene’s engaging personality 30 minute video fly by. But it’s not just her personality. She reminds you to take things slow, breath through the poses, and maintain integrity. I find myself wanting to continue my practice and spend more time on the mat. However, I take a step back and recognize that I don’t want to take things too fast and get burned out half way through the month. So, I am going to continue to look forward to each and every day of this 30 day challenge.

If you have ever wanted to try yoga, I highly recommend checking out Yoga with Adriene’s youtube channel.
