Searching for Answers

In my near five months of living in France, there are certainly differences I have noticed between our cultures. There are also times when I see something, tilt my head to the side, and think, “What the hell?”

I decided to jot these things down after I went dancing last weekend. I walked into the club, looked around, and immediately registered that everyone was dressed in black. Did I miss some kind of memo? My friend was wearing a white dress, so she also stood out. On the other hand, I was wearing teal pants and a salmon blouse (color not material), making me stand out more than usual. Is it an unspoken rule to wear all black to a club? A bit depressing if you ask me. Anyway it got me thinking and here is a list of some general observations and curiosities regarding French people and culture:

1. Black Wardrobe – I already touched on this in the previous paragraph, but the black doesn’t extend to just evening wear. It seems that French people love black (I mean, it is the ultimate classy color). Don’t get me wrong, I love black too, but I don’t want to look in my closet and see only black. Sure, it is easy to coordinate an ensemble when everything you own is black, but without color and print, where is the personality? I brought my indigo peacoat to France, knowing that I would stand out. I just love color, especially in the dreary winter. Continue reading